How can I update my name and gender?
If your name or gender has changed, please make sure you update your membership.
Your email must include the following details:
- Your current full name
- Your current address (including postcode)
- Date of Birth
- Your membership number (if known)
- The details that you would like to update (name, gender and/or title)
Your letter must include the following details:
- Your current full name
- Your current address (including postcode)
- Date of Birth
- Your membership number (if known)
- The details you would like to update
Send to us at Ambulance Victoria, PO Box 278, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205
1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm)
If ambulance services are used
If any details captured does not match your membership, you may be asked to provide evidence of your identity such as:
- Australian marriage certificate
- Australian certificate of name change
- Australian birth certificate
- Statutory declaration if you cannot provide the above legal documentation
Please note:
- The evidence provided above should show your previous and current legal name.
- If you do not provide 3 points of ID we will be unable to process your request.