Under the State Concession Scheme, eligible Victorian's holding certain concession cards receive free clinically necessary ambulance coverage throughout Australia. In all cases, transport is provided to the nearest and most appropriate medical facility.

For the purpose of ambulance transport, the Concession classification includes:

  • A person holding a current Victorian Pensioner Concession Card. This includes dependent children listed on the card. It does not include spouses.

  • A current Health Care Card holder and their dependents including spouses listed on the card. This does not include Health Care Card for carer allowance and foster care issued in the name of the child.

  • A child holding a current Child Disability Health Care Card or Foster Child Health Care Card. This does not include their guardians/families listed on the card.

  • A child under a Family reunification, Care by Secretary or Long-term care order including children on interim accommodation orders.

  • A person who is subject to an order under the Mental Health Act 2014, Sentencing Act 1991, or Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 requiring them to be compulsorily assessed or treated in a designated mental health service. This includes compulsory, security and forensic patients.

Concession transport from a private healthcare facility

If a concession card holder is transported from a private healthcare facility, the sending private facility is responsible for payment. This includes registered private hospitals and registered private day procedure centres.

The private healthcare facility decides whether to pass this cost onto the patient.

Concession benefits do not apply when:

  • A patient only holds a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and they do not have one of the concession cards listed above

  • A patient requests to be repatriated or relocated to or from Victoria for non-clinical reasons

  • When the transport is not clinically necessary (repatriation back to Victoria must be authorised as clinically necessary and there must be a demonstrated clinical requirement for ambulance transport)

  • Another party is responsible for the account such as:

    • The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) where a person holds a Gold or a White Card (subject to the conditions of the card)

    • The Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

    • The Victorian WorkCover Association (VWA)

Evidence of concession entitlements

To access entitlements, AV will require evidence of concession entitlements. The card must also be valid at the time of transport or the account will remain the responsibility of the relevant individual, hospital or chargeable authority.

Please refer to the Ambulance Transport Payment Guidelines and Membership Scheme Business Rules for more information.

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Date Updated: 21/10/2024

Yes you can.

Simply call the Ambulance Victoria Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm).

Please note

  • The Primary Member or Dependant partner listed on that membership can only make changes once the membership is active.
  • Dependants/third parties cannot resign the membership or remove the Main member.
  • AV needs written or verbal permission from the members if you want to be the one who manages the membership.


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Date Updated: 14/10/2024

A refund of the unused portion of a Membership is available upon request.

Refund amounts will be calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date the request is received and will be refunded back to the source the payment was made from where possible. 

An administration fee of $12.50 applies to all refunds.

Please note:

  • If a duplicate payment has been made, you can request a refund of the additional payment or we will extend the membership period in accordance with the amounts paid.

  • Waiving of the administration fee is at the discretion of Ambulance Victoria.

  • If a member dies, the unused portion of the membership may be refunded to the estate of the deceased member at the request of an authorised representative of the deceased member. Ambulance Victoria will refund back to the date stated on the official documentation, where possible and provided this date is within the current membership period. See here for more information regarding what to do if a member has died.

Refunds will not be issued:

  • To a non-Australian bank account.
  • For the used (i.e. past) portion of a Membership, or for prior Membership Periods.
  • If the application of the $12.50 administration fee results in a zero or negative balance.

Please refer to the Ambulance Victoria Business Rules for the full terms and conditions.

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Date Updated: 23/09/2024
The Public Record Office of Victoria’s (PROV) PROS 17/02 Emergency Services Function RDA sets the minimum period that AV are required to keep member data which is seven (7) years after the last date of cover or contact with the member, whichever is later. You can review this on the PROV website.

If a member makes contact asking for their membership records to be deleted, AV’s contracted call centre staff will initially check if the membership is current and action as follows:
If the membership is current:
  • Add their email address to the membership
  • Add a note stating; ‘Member has requested their membership data be disposed of.  As the membership is current no details can be deleted.’
If the membership is already lapsed/resigned:
  • tick do not mail, and
  • add their email address to the membership
  • Add a note stating; ‘Member has requested their membership data be disposed of. Ambulance Victoria, as a State Government entity are required to follow the Public Record Office Victoria’s disposal of data’s ‘Retention and Disposal Authorities’ and therefore are required to retain member data for a period of 7 years.’

For more information regarding data protection and what happens if there is a breach - click here
For more information regarding what AV Membership does with your data - click here


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Date Updated: 05/07/2024

Yes, Ambulance Victoria can merge two Single memberships. 

This can be done using one of the following:


Both parties will need to send an email to membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au noting member number and 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and Date of Birth).  


Call 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) – both of you must be present to authorise this over the phone.


In writing and signed by both parties to PO Box 278 South Melbourne, VIC 3105.  

Please note

  • Ambulance Victoria requires permission from both parties before we can action the request.
  • Any credit due will be added to the combined membership.
  • We will close one of the Single memberships and change the other one to a Family membership.
  • You must nominate whose name the membership will be in (the second person will be listed as a dependant under the active Family membership).
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Date Updated: 25/09/2024

Ambulance Victoria constantly reviews its technology to ensure your personal and payment information is securely managed and protected.  

In 2023, we upgraded our phone software to enable safer gathering of your credit card details. When you pay over the phone, you will be asked to key in your card details directly to our payment platform via your keypad/touch tone phone. This ensures that our agents no longer have access to these details.

Members can still check or update their payment options via the AV website here.

If you are having trouble updating your details online, please contact our team via membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au and they will assist (please provide 3 points of ID - full name, date of birth and address including postcode).

Alternatively you can contact the Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 between the hours of 8:00am-8:00pm Monday to Friday or 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday. 

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Date Updated: 04/07/2024

Your membership card or number is not required at the time of treatment or transport. Your details will be taken by the paramedics and sent through to the AV Accounts department.  If the details match what is listed on your membership, an invoice may not be issued.

You can confirm that your membership details are correct in the following ways:


Confirm your details online now.


Send us an email listing 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and date of birth), the membership number and the details that you would like to confirm.


Phone our Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) and speak to a consultant who can make updates to your record.


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Date Updated: 19/10/2024

Yes; however, conditions apply.

Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT) is only for patients who require clinical monitoring or supervision during transport to and from hospital or medical appointments.

NEPT will only be considered by AV Membership in cases where:

  • It is Clinically Necessary*, and
  • the transport is to the nearest most appropriate medical facility, and
  • it is pre-approved by AV, and 
  • transport has been authorised and booked in the correct manner by a qualified health/medical professional.

*Clinically Necessary means that the patient requires active clinical monitoring/care or clinical supervision during transport that is provided by a paramedic, health professional or qualified patient transport officer or attendant.

Membership does not cover:

  • Ambulance services if your benefits have not started and you are within your qualifying period
  • Cases where the transport is for social or convenience reasons (such as choosing your own location of treatment)
  • When a third party is responsible for payment (such as the sending hospital in the public system)

Click here for a full list of exclusions.

Please note:

Please refer to the following links for more information:

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Date Updated: 30/09/2024

Being pregnant still means you have access to ambulance cover under your membership.  Pregnancy is not generally considered a pre-existing condition and therefore normally covered.

When pregnancy might be considered a pre-existing condition

If a condition of complexity is clearly present as a result of your pregnancy and is the reason for the ambulance treatment/transport, it would be assessed as pre-existing and an invoice sent for payment. For example:

  • Pre-Eclampsia
  • Gestational Hypertension
  • Gestational Diabetes

If there is reason to believe it is not a pre-existing condition we will investigate. In these cases we would be led by the Paramedic assessment or our Medical Director in the first instance.

Consider having a plan

  • In most cases, pregnancy is a normal healthy situation and does not require ambulance involvement.
  • Have your hospital phone number handy - you can call anytime.
  • The hospital staff will help you and tell you when you need to come in.
  • It helps to plan how you are going to get to the hospital (this can save time and worry).
  • Having a friend or family member on call is also helpful when the time comes (whether it be for babysitting other children or driving you there).

What to expect when you call Triple Zero (000)

  • You can call Triple Zero (000) if you need to and an operator will determine what services you need at the time of the call.
  • This does not mean you will always be provided with an ambulance. 
  • The operator may also suggest that you call your hospital or refer you to "Nurse on Call" for advice.
  • Paramedics will take you to the nearest most appropriate hospital based on time and your needs.

Adding a newborn to a membership

  • You can only add a child to a membership after they have been born and named.
  • In the case where you have a current Single membership only:
    • We allow 30 days from the Date of Birth for the Main member to contact us and transfer to a Family membership.
    • Normal waiting periods apply if the Family membership is created more than 30 days since the child's birth.
  • In the case where both parents hold a current membership (two Singles/one Family)
    • We ask that they update the membership (or combine the two single memberships) as soon as possible after birth.
    • We will require a copy of the birth certificate to assess services used if the child added is over 12 months of age.
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Date Updated: 21/10/2024

Membership benefits commence 5pm the day after payment is received by Ambulance Victoria for new and re-instated members. After that, a fourteen (14) day Qualifying Period commences where members do not receive benefits for:

  • Non-emergency Patient Transport Ambulance Services; or
  • Emergency Ambulance Services where the service is required as a result of a Pre-Existing medical condition.

The Qualifying Period will be waived in the following circumstances:

  • For children who qualify as a dependant when added to an existing Family Membership which has already served the Qualifying Period.
  • Where a new or reinstated Member was formerly an eligible Victorian Pension Concession card or Health Care card holder and joins the Membership Scheme within thirty (30) days of no longer being eligible for a Pension Concession card or Health Care card. In this situation the membership will commence from the date the concession benefits ceased (proof of this date will be required).
  • Where a new or reinstated member was listed on a Family membership, is no longer eligible to be covered under that Family membership and joins the Membership Scheme within thirty (30) days of ceasing to be eligible on the Family membership. 

Please Note:  See Membership Scheme Business Rules for more information.

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Date Updated: 22/10/2024

Overseas travel

Your membership does not cover you for travel overseas. It is recommended you take out travel insurance.

Interstate travel

As a member travelling interstate, you receive the same benefits that you would have received if you had been in Victoria.

Repatriation for convenience or social reasons is not covered under membership.

When clinically necessary, transport back to Victoria may be arranged. Prior approval from AV is required, including a written request demonstrating a medical requirement for the transport.

Please refer to the Membership Scheme Business Rules for further definitions.


Please note:

If you use transport interstate, you will receive an invoice from that interstate service for payment. AV will require a copy of the invoice with your details. You can provide this in the following way:

  • Go online, complete the fields required, tick the box and upload a copy of the invoice. 
  • Write your AV membership number on the form with a contact number and/or email address and return it to Accounts Receivable Department, Ambulance Victoria, Locked Bag 9000 Ballarat Mail Centre VIC 3354. 

If there are any issues or queries, the Accounts team will be in touch.


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Date Updated: 17/10/2024

Children studying full time in any Australian State and who meet the below criteria, will be covered under a Family membership:

  • The Family membership is current
  • Child is listed as a dependant child on the membership
  • Child is considered an eligible dependant under the AV Membership Business Rules 

Please note that the Accounts Department will require evidence of full time study if ambulance services are used.

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Date Updated: 07/10/2024

Air ambulance is included in your membership cover, however, there are conditions.

In all cases:

  • Transport must be to the nearest medical facility that can help the patient; and
  • The transport needs to be Clinically Necessary and Medically authorised
  • The AV Membership Scheme Business Rules are used to determine an outcome
  • Non-emergency air services are required to have pre-approval by AV before booking the service (if you want membership to consider covering the costs)

If you are claiming membership to cover costs, AV will review the case and require further information such as below:

  • What happened
  • Why the transport was required
  • Where the transport occurred (from and to)
  • Who performed the transport

Please note:

  • Clinically Necessary means the patient/member requires active clinical monitoring/care or clinical supervision during transport that is provided by a paramedic, health professional or qualified patient transport officer or attendant.
  • Authorisation must be provided by a Health Professional who can make an informed decision about whether there is a genuine clinical need for a patient to be transported by ambulance instead of any other way.
  • Your doctor/health professional can book transport, however you may be liable for the invoice should it not be approved by AV. This means you may have to pay out of your own pocket.
  • If the member is not able to be covered under their membership, they can contact that State’s Air Ambulance team for further advice about getting a quote to return to Victoria.  

Members are generally covered for emergency ambulance services Australia Wide however, there are some restrictions. Restrictions or exclusions can include:

  • Privately booked transports, where the member or their representative booked with the transport directly with a provider.
  • Repatriation to Victoria. In most cases the patient can be treated in the State where they are currently receiving treatment, and transport back to Victoria would not generally be covered.  
  • Transport home upon discharge from hospital. If the member has been discharged, they are generally well enough to go home by other means and do not need paramedic assistance.
  • If they still require paramedic assistance to get home, they can obtain a quote to pay. If they are not well enough to get home at this stage, they will have to look at accommodation where they are until they are well enough.
  • Search and Rescue services are not generally covered, such as evacuation from remote locations. (Unless this is specifically performed as part of an emergency service by a state’s registered ambulance service).

Scenario 1:
My mother needed brain surgery and the only doctor that would do it is in Sydney, so we flew up for treatment.  We want to bring her back to Victoria to recover at Cabrini Private.  Can membership pay for this?

No. Your mother would have to recover in Sydney at the nearest most appropriate facility that can treat her condition.  AV does not repatriate members so they can be treated at a preferred hospital or to be closer to home.

Scenario 2:
I was on holiday and had an accident.  I am in hospital in Corowa NSW and need to go to the Hospital in Mornington VIC for specialist treatment?

Possibly. Your AV membership covers Clinically Necessary, transport to the nearest and most appropriate medical facility that can treat that condition (provided no waiting periods are in place).  If the nearest hospital that can treat that condition is in Victoria, then AV membership may cover the costs.

Whilst it is unlikely that the nearest facility that can treat you is interstate from your location, some specialist hospitals located in Victoria may be the most appropriate medical facility that can treat your condition.

Written authorisation must be provided by the doctor stating that there is a genuine clinical need for a patient to be transported by ambulance instead of any other way and, that the nearest medical facility that can treat the patient is in Victoria.   

Approval from Head Office is required before AV will cover the costs.  AV may seek a second medical opinion.

Scenario 3: 
I have cancer and went on holiday to Queensland.  I’m now in hospital and want to come back to Monash in Melbourne as my oncologist says he can treat me. Can my Membership pay for this?

No. Whilst this is an unfortunate situation, AV membership does not cover repatriation from interstate for social or convenience reasons, such as being treated at your preferred hospital or by your preferred doctor.

A quote can be obtained for the member to bear the costs if they still wish to return to Victoria.

Scenario 4: 
I was on holiday in the NT, and I broke my leg.  I am in Darwin base hospital, but I want to come back to Melbourne.  Can my AV Membership pay for the ambulance flight back to Victoria?

No. You must recover in Darwin until you are able to travel by commercial means to return to Victoria.  If the hospital that you are in cannot treat your condition you may be transported to the nearest hospital that can treat your condition (provided the transport is Clinically Necessary).

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Date Updated: 15/09/2024

Private health insurance providers set their own policies and terms and conditions for ambulance cover.  Cover for ambulance treatment and transport will depend on the specific level and type of cover offered by your chosen provider.

Ambulance Victoria (AV) has no affiliation with private health insurance (PHI) providers. We do not have access to information about a person's individual coverage through that provider either.

You will have to determine which ambulance cover suits you. Some people have both AV Membership and private health insurance. We see cases where members of private health funds have used the service and then found out afterwards that the fund's terms and conditions did not cover them in certain circumstances such as air ambulance transport or non-emergency transport.

If you are not sure, please use the Ambulance Cover Checklist to help decide.

Please note
Latrobe Health Services (LHS) is the only PHI that purchases ambulance cover through AV. You will have to contact LHS directly on 1300 362 144 with any queries regarding which cover they provide that includes ambulance.

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Date Updated: 06/10/2024

Please choose one of the following ways to buy a new ambulance membership:

Join online and make a one off payment via credit card or PayPal.

You can also set up a direct debit (recurring payment) using your bank account or credit card if you prefer. 

Call our Membership Centre
Call 1800 64 84 84 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) and pay over the phone using your credit card or bank account.

Australia Post
Download a Membership Application Form or call and we can send one to you.

Complete the application form and pay over the counter at any Australia Post branch. You can pay by cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS.

Send your application form with cheque or money order to Ambulance Victoria PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205.

Please note

  • If you have had a membership before, you can log in and reinstate your membership online
  • If you don't remember your password, request a new one and we will send you a reset password email with a link to create a new password
  • If have previously been listed as a Dependant on a Family membership, you will not be able to join online and would need to use one of the other methods listed above.
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Date Updated: 27/09/2024

You can check and make changes to your membership details in the following ways:

Update your details online now

Send an email listing 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and date of birth), the membership number and the details that you would like to update

Call 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) 

Send your signed request to Ambulance Victoria at PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205

Please note:

  • If we do not have your current contact details on file, you may not receive renewal information and your membership could lapse.  
  • Only the Primary Member or eligible dependant partner listed on the membership can make changes.
  • Dependants cannot resign the membership or remove the Main member.
  • Personal details cannot be updated by an unrelated third party without express permission from the primary member.
  • The primary member can nominate a third party to act on their behalf by providing verbal or written permission.
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Date Updated: 28/09/2024

You can update your banking details using one of the following methods:


Update your details online now.


Call 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm - please note you will be asked for three points of ID as per below - for identification purposes)


Send in a signed request to Ambulance Victoria at PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205 noting your membership number, full address inc postcode and your date of birth.

Important information

  • Please make sure we have current direct debit details on your membership so your payment is successful.
  • For information on declined payments click here.
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Date Updated: 01/10/2024

If your name or gender has changed, please make sure you update your membership.


Your email must include the following details:

  • Your current full name
  • Your current address (including postcode)
  • Date of Birth
  • Your membership number (if known)
  • The details that you would like to update (name, gender and/or title)


Your letter must include the following details:

  • Your current full name
  • Your current address (including postcode)
  • Date of Birth
  • Your membership number (if known)
  • The details you would like to update

Send to us at Ambulance Victoria, PO Box 278, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205


1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm)

If ambulance services are used

If any details captured does not match your membership, you may be asked to provide evidence of your identity such as: 

  • Australian marriage certificate 
  • Australian certificate of name change 
  • Australian birth certificate 
  • Statutory declaration if you cannot provide the above legal documentation

Please note:

  • The evidence provided above should show your previous and current legal name.
  • If you do not provide 3 points of ID we will be unable to process your request.
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Date Updated: 08/10/2024

As the Primary member, you can jump online and add or remove dependants (partner/children) as long as they are living with you.  The qualifying period may apply to the people you add, as per the AV Business Rules

If you have a Single membership

  • If the person you want to add is already listed in our system, you will not be able to add them online and you will need to call the Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141.
  • Your Single membership will change to a Family membership and your expiry date will change.
  • If there are two Single memberships involved please click here for more information.

If you have a Family membership

  • If the person you want to add is already listed in our system, you will not be able to add them online and you will need to call the Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141.
  • If all dependants are removed, your membership will become a Single membership.  
  • We do not contact any dependants that you remove, it is recommend that you let them know they are no longer covered under your membership.

If you can't do it online, you can also request changes to your membership via our Live chat, email or phone 1300 366 141.

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Date Updated: 20/10/2024

If you would like to cancel your membership, you can do so using one of the following methods:


  • Send an email. Your email must include the following details:
  • Your full name
  • Your current address (including postcode)
  • Date of Birth
  • Your membership number.
  • The details that you would like to update

Call our Membership Centre

  • Call 1300 366 141
  • 8:00am-8:00pm, Monday to Friday
  • 9:00am-5:00pm, Saturday


Your letter must include the following details:

  • Your full name
  • Current address (including postcode)
  • Date of Birth
  • Your membership number
  • The details you would like to update

Our address:

Ambulance Victoria
PO Box 278
South Melbourne Victoria 3205

Please note: The membership can only be cancelled by the Primary member or a nominated third party to act on the behalf of them (AV must be provided with this authority in writing or verbally).

Information about subscription refunds:

  • A refund of the unused portion of your membership is available upon request.
  • Refund payments are calculated on a pro-rata basis.
  • Admin fee of $12.50 applies to all refunds unless waived by AV. Click here for more information.
Read More
Date Updated: 04/09/2024

If you would like to contact us you can do so in the following ways:

Email    membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au

Call       1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm and Sat 9am-5pm)

You can always make changes or review your membership online also.


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Date Updated: 22/10/2024

In the first instance, please contact our Membership Service Centre:

Phone  1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm)

E-mail  membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au 
(please provide 3 points of ID such as full name, address inc postcode and date of birth)

Mail     PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205

What happens when you make a complaint:

  • The complaint will be acknowledged as quickly as possible. 
  • Any personal information collected in respect of a complaint will be kept confidential.
  • A record of the complaint will be kept, including any actions taken and outcome.
  • Complaints can take some time to investigate and resolve. Please allow up to 20 business days for complex investigations.
  • The person who made the complaint will be informed of the progress and outcome where possible.

Guiding principles for complaint resolution:

  • Membership Scheme Business Rules are always applied.
  • The membership must be financial at the time of services used if the invoices incurred are to be covered.
  • Whilst AV will let members know when a membership is due to expire, it is the members responsibility to ensure payment is received by AV and correct contact details are on the membership record.
  • Previous years of tenure is not taken into consideration when assessing whether a member is covered for services used.
  • Membership does not cover invoices due to hardship or compassionate grounds. AV have a separate process available for hardship assistance.

Ambulance Victoria Membership appreciates your time and takes all feedback seriously.

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Date Updated: 04/07/2024

We understand the death of a family member or friend is a difficult time. We want to make it as easy as possible to help you or your solicitor manage your loved one’s ambulance membership. 
Depending on the action you decide to take, there may be legal processes we need to follow. This is to protect the interest of the member and so that we action the request in the correct manner. 

Please choose which action you would like to take and follow the steps below: 

  • You only want to tell us, please go to Step 1
  • You would like to transfer the membership into your name, go to Step 2
  • You want to close the existing membership, go to Step 3
  • You want to close the membership and get a refund and/or change details go to Step 4 

Step 1. You only want to tell us 

Please let us know by phone, in writing or via email.

  • We will add a note to the membership. 
  • The membership will continue (renewal notices will be sent) until it resigns.

If you wish to close the membership and/or request a refund, please go to Step 4.

Step 2. You want to transfer the membership into your name (main member is deceased) 

Please let us know by phone, mail, or email.  You will need to be the active dependant adult listed on the Family membership to authorise this.

We will need the following information before we can action your request: 

  • Legal evidence of death such as a copy of the Death Certificate or a Statutory Declaration
  • Three points of ID for the deceased member (such as their full name, address (including postcode) and Date of Birth. 
  • Your contact information so we can create a new membership in your name. 

Step 3. You want to close the membership

Please let us know by phone, in writing or via email.  

We will need the following information before we can action your request: 

  • Legal evidence of death such as a copy of the Death Certificate or a Statutory Declaration
  • Three points of ID for the deceased member (such as their name, address (including postcode) and Date of Birth. 
  • Your contact information so we can close the membership. 

We will stop all notices (such as renewals) and close the membership from the day you tell us. 

If you are listed on this membership as a dependant and wish to remain covered, please go to Step 2.

Step 4.  You want to close the membership and request a refund and/or change details
If the refund is to be issued by cheque to the Estate or sent back to the original source (bank account or credit card) we will need a verbal or written request in addition to the following information: 

  • Legal evidence of death such as a copy of the Death Certificate or a Statutory Declaration
  • Three points of ID for the deceased member (such as their full name, address (including postcode) and Date of Birth. 
  • Your contact information. 

If the refund is to be issued elsewhere (and/or you need to change any details on the membership), we need the above information in addition to a copy of any legal documents showing you have the authority to act on behalf of the member such as:

  • Financial Power of Attorney 
  • Guardianship order 
  • Trustee 
  • Administratorship 
  • Legal Representative (LPR)* 
  • Executor of the Estate (this shows you are acting on behalf of the deceased) 
  • Will 
  • Letters of Administration issued by the Supreme Court 
  • Statutory Declaration (for estates under $10,000) 

Please note: 

  • Refunds are calculated from the day after the date of death for a current membership period only. (This is to ensure any services required on the same day as death are included).
  • No refund is available for prior years/periods of cover. 
  • *If the refund is to be issued to an LPR, we need verification that the LPR is legally entitled to the funds. We will accept a notarised letter stating the same, or a certified copy of the letter by a person authorised to certify i.e., pharmacist, bank manager, etc. 

Where to send the documents
Once you have all the information ready, please send it to us using one of the following methods: 
Send documents via email to membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au
AV Membership, PO Box 278, South Melbourne Victoria 3205 

What happens next?
If you are just telling us:

  • We will add a note to the membership only.  
  • The membership will continue until it resigns (this means renewal notices will be sent). 
  • If you are the main member, we can remove the deceased dependant as per your instructions.
  • If you are a third party, we will need evidence that you have authority to act for the member and/or dependants listed on the membership before any changes can be actioned.

For other requests:

  • We will process your request based on the membership that the deceased member held. 
  • It will also depend on what information or evidence we receive. 
  • If you are a third party, we will need evidence that you can act for the member and/or dependants listed on the membership before any changes are actioned.

If it is a Single Membership: 

  • The membership will be closed. 
  • Remaining funds can be donated to AV or refunded as requested (please refer to Step 4 for refunds). 

If it is a Family Membership (deceased is the primary member): 

  • The membership will be closed. 
  • A new membership can be created in the dependant’s name. You can choose from a Single or new Family Membership depending on the circumstances.
  • The new membership start date will be from the day after the death of the primary member.
  • Membership benefits will remain continuous.
  • Any remaining funds can be applied to the new membership on a pro-rata basis. This will create a new expiry date.
  • If the dependant wishes to cease cover, they can request the membership to be closed (please refer to Steps 3 or 4).

If it is a Family Membership (deceased is a listed dependant):

  • The deceased member will be removed.  
  • If it then becomes a single membership, the remaining funds will extend your membership end date on a pro-rata basis based on the difference between the cost of a single and family membership.
  • If it changes to a family membership by adding another party, the benefit end date will remain unchanged.  
  • All other details of the membership can remain unchanged unless advised. 

Contact us 
We are happy to guide you through the process.  Please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 366 141 with any questions. 

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Date Updated: 07/10/2024
Your personal details are kept in our secured database.  We run regular audits to ensure all information has been accessed by approved agents only. Any changes made within a record are required to have an audit trail with timestamp and user log for traceability.
We actively monitor for system breeches and compromised credentials or accounts in partnership with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). This process involves the notification of any suspected data privacy breach or credential leak.
You must create a password to access your online membership record and 3 points of ID are required when you contact the Membership Service Centre. Third parties cannot access information without authorisation, verbally or in writing from the owner of the membership.

We upgraded our banking system to increase security measures when processing payments.  This change has greatly increased the security and privacy of managing membership payments as we no longer hold credit card details in our database, but instead communicate directly with our banking partner to manage the payments.  Credit card details are encrypted and only the last four digits of the card are visible to allow for validation and updating as required. PayPal was also introduced in 2019.

Furthermore, consultants who work out of our Membership Service Centre (located in William Street, Melbourne) are monitored at all times by team leaders and do not have access to pens or paper when taking calls.  AV’s (ROD) phone system also blanks out credit card payments on recorded calls so that your payment information is not recorded.
What happens if there is a data breach?
Data breaches will be dealt with on a case by case basis, by undertaking an assessment of the risks involved and using that risk assessment to decide on an appropriate course of action.  We will take action as listed in the four steps below:

Step 1: Immediately contain breach & perform preliminary assessment
  • Ensure evidence is preserved that may be valuable in determining the cause of the breach
  • Consider developing a communications or media strategy to manage public expectations and media interest
Step 2: Evaluate the risks for individuals associated with the breach including
  • the type of personal information involved in the breach
  • how the breach was discovered and by whom
  • a list of the affected individuals, or possible affected individuals
Step 3: Consider breach notification
  • Inform Data Breach Response Team (DBRT) of breach and action response plan
  • Determine who needs to be made aware of the breach (internally, and potentially externally) at this preliminary stage
  • Determine whether to notify affected individuals
  • Consider whether others should be notified, including police/law enforcement
Step 4: Review the incident and take action to prevent future breaches
  • Fully investigate the cause of the breach
  • Provide DBRT with full details of breach and actions taken.
  • Update security and response plan if necessary
  • Consider the option of an audit to ensure necessary outcomes are effected.
Our Incident Response Plan will be modified according to lessons learned after each data security incident, and to incorporate industry developments, so that the plan is current and capable of handling emerging threats and security trends.
For more information regarding what AV Membership does with your data - click here
For more information around deleting data - click here
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Date Updated: 08/07/2024

View the current membership fees

Ambulance Victoria offers ongoing membership by direct debit for a quarterly or annual term where we will automatically draw payment from you selected credit card or bank account prior to your membership due date.

You can also make a one-time payment and we will send you a renewal reminder before your membership expires.



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Date Updated: 24/08/2024

AV Membership is only available for residents of Victoria and those people residing within AV’s Operational Boundaries (you must be an Australian citizen or have been granted permanent or temporary resident status).

Each State has its own ambulance cover arrangements.  We recommend you investigate what options each State has available to you.

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Date Updated: 06/10/2024

Ambulance Victoria operates within areas known as ‘Operational Boundaries’. All of Victoria and certain areas of South Australia and New South Wales are considered operational boundaries.

Persons residing in non-Victorian towns which appear on the list below are eligible to take out Ambulance Victoria Membership. 

Please note: AV has no obligation nor intention to add to or change the list of towns below. The list of allowed towns was formed some years ago, and whilst listed by postcode, it is the town that determines eligibility. Some towns may have the same postcode as eligible towns; however, this is not considered as being eligible to purchase AV Membership. Click here for more information.

New South Wales



South Australia









Mount Gambier





Mount Gambier





Mount Gambier East





Mount Gambier West


Boeill Creek























































East Albury






























Gol Gol










Greg Greg
















































































Murray Downs




North Albury






























Splitters Creek





Springdale Heights





South Albury





Table Top






























Trentham Cliffs















Walla Walla















West Albury







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    Date Updated: 12/10/2024

    If you join over the phone as a new member, you will receive a verbal receipt once the transaction is completed.

    Your payment however, can take up to three days to come out of your account depending on how you have paid (for example, direct debit from your bank account). 

    You can also ask the consultant to send a receipt to your postal address.

    Please note: 

    You may add an email address at any time to your membership record and this will allow AV to email your renewal and give you access to your online account where you can view correspondence or make changes to your personal details.

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    Date Updated: 26/09/2024

    Ambulance Victoria (AV) Membership is available to purchase for people who live in Victoria and some towns along the South Australia (SA) and New South Wales (NSW) borders in accordance with approved AV operational boundaries. Click here for more information.

    Please note: AV has no obligation nor intention to add to or change the list of towns that are allowed to be covered.  The list of allowed towns was formed some years ago, and whilst listed by postcode, it is the town that determines eligibility.  Some towns may have the same postcode as eligible towns; however, this is not considered as being eligible to purchase AV Membership.  

    What does it mean for me if my address is not on the approved list? 

    If you are not an AV member, you will have to research options for ambulance cover within your home state. 

    Due to previous system constraints, you may have been allowed to purchase AV membership in the past, even if you lived in an ineligible town. Once AV identifies that you do not live in an eligible town, your membership will be resigned, and you will be eligible for a pro-rata refund of the remaining balance in line with the AV Membership Business Rules

    What if I have used transport as an AV member and my address is not on the approved list? 

    If you have used transport or approved ambulance services and it is found that your residential address is not eligible for AV cover, with consideration to the AV Membership Business Rules, the existing or previous invoices will be covered.  The membership will be cancelled from the date that ineligibility is identified. 

    You may request a pro-rata refund of the remaining balance in line with the AV Membership Business Rules

    What if my postcode/town is near an approved town? 

    AV has no intention to add to or change the list of towns and postcodes that are allowed to be covered.

    Whilst we understand your postcode may be near an approved town or closer to Victoria than a listed town, or has the same postcode as a town in the approved list these arrangements were part of a legacy decision made by AV many years ago.   

    AV receives no funding from SA and NSW governments nor do private health services provide funding to AV. 

    As each state operates ambulance cover differently you will have to research options within your home state to ensure you have cover. 

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    Date Updated: 03/10/2024

    No, as you are no longer studying full time, you will need to purchase your own membership -  Join Now .

    Note:  Those dependants (aged 17 up to 25) awaiting placement  at tertiary institutions will be covered by their parent/guardian's membership up to 31 March of that year.

    Dependants who have chosen to not continue in further education will be required to purchase their own membership from the last day of full time school attended. For more information on what happens when you are no longer a dependant click here.

    Please note:

    If you have already been listed as a Dependant on a Family membership, you will not be able to join online and would need to use another method listed (refer to “How can I join Ambulance Victoria membership?).

    If you have used AV services, you will be asked to provide evidence of full time study at the time the services were used. If you cannot provide this, you will be liable for the invoice.


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    Date Updated: 13/10/2024

    You can obtain your membership number using one of the following methods:


    Receive your number via SMS. Follow the link and enter the following details:

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Date of Birth and
    • mobile number (the mobile number used must be listed on the membership)

    Hit the "Submit " button and we will SMS your membership number.


    Send us an email listing 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and date of birth), and request your membership number.

    Call us

    Call our Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) and speak to a consultant.

    Read More
    Date Updated: 29/08/2024


    Payments can take up to three business days to be applied to your membership when using a third party channel such as BPAY®. Once Ambulance Victoria receive the funds, they will be applied effective to the date that they were paid.

    Please note:

    • If you have made a payment close to your due date, you may still receive overdue communication from AV. Please disregard if you have been notified that your payment was successful (you should have received a receipt number). 

    • Weekend days and public holidays will also affect processing times for payments & can cause further delays.

    • BPAY® is a third party bill payment processing system, for which we do not set the Terms and Conditions for.


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    Date Updated: 15/10/2024

    Ambulance Victoria (AV) creates a membership in your name and includes family members where we have been instructed by Latrobe Health Services (LHS).   

    If you have provided an email address to LHS, you will receive a welcome email from AV once the membership has been set up.  After which, you will also be able to go online and log into your membership account to check the details. 

    If you have not provided an email address, you will be able to request your membership number via SMS if you need it. Click here for instructions on how to do this. 

    How to Make Changes

    You should contact Latrobe Health Services to make changes to your policy, for example adding a dependant child or updating an address:

    Phone: 1300 362 144

    Email:  info@lhs.com.au

    To be able to check your AV membership details on our website, you will have to have an email address listed on your account. Without an email address, you can contact the AV Membership Call centre on 1300 366 141.

    Special Conditions for LHS Members

    • Dependant children listed on an AV membership purchased through Latrobe Health are covered for ambulance cover up to the age of 25. 
    • A Dependant child is a child that is single and fully dependent on the Primary member or their listed partner.
    • All other conditions are the same as the AV Business Rules which can be found here.
    Read More
    Date Updated: 20/02/2024

    Your child/children can be covered if you buy a Family membership. A Family Membership can cover:

    • You and;
    • your partner and/or;
    • dependant children under the age of 17 and/or;
    • children aged over 17 and under 25, as long as they are studying full time

    Please note:

    • You must be considered to be living under the same roof to be eligible as a dependant under a Family membership.
    • Make sure you list all of the family members you want covered to ensure they receive member benefits.
    • Students who use transport will be required to show evidence of full time study for the invoice to be settled.
    • Apprenticeships are not considered full time study in accordance with the AV Membership Business Rules and a new membership must be purchased if cover is required. Qualifying periods may apply.

    Further information can be found below:
    What is considered full time study for the purpose of eligible dependant students?

    What happens when you are no longer considered a dependant?

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    Date Updated: 22/10/2024

    An Ambulance Victoria (AV) membership provides you with ambulance cover. This protects you from the costs when you use the ambulance service.

    There are two types of membership you can purchase:

    • Single - this is for you only
    • Family - this is for you, plus your partner and/or children under the age of 17 (and living under the same roof) or full time students under 25.

    What type of cover is provided when you buy membership

    In Victoria you get:

    • Emergency road transport by us.
    • Emergency air transport by us.
    • Treatment by our paramedics.
    • Clinically Necessary Non-Emergency transport by us or our partners.

    If you are travelling in other states you get:

    • Emergency road transport by their states service.
    • Emergency air transport by their states service.
    • Treatment by paramedics when you don't need moving.
    • Clinically Necessary Non-Emergency transport to the nearest medical facility. AV must approve this service prior to booking.

    Please refer to the AV Business Rules for more information.

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    Date Updated: 21/10/2024

    To become a member you must:

    • be an Australian citizen or
    • been granted permanent or temporary resident status and
    • reside within our Operational Boundaries

    Please refer to Membership Scheme Business Rules for further definitions. 

    Become a Member

    Join Now if you meet the conditions of membership.

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    Date Updated: 10/09/2024

    Declined one off payments

    If you make a payment online or over the phone, you will get an immediate response if the payment fails. You will not receive a separate notification of failed payment.

    To ensure your membership is valid, you must make a successful payment within 14 days of receiving notice of a declined payment. Cover for ambulance services used within this time will not be considered unless membership has been paid and is within the AV Business Rules

    Declined Direct Debit (recurring) payments

    If you have set up a recurring payment (from a bank account or credit card) it can take up to three business days to receive a response if the payment has failed. We will attempt to contact you if the payment has been declined. 

    To ensure your membership is valid, you must make a successful payment within 14 days of receiving notice of a declined payment. Cover for ambulance services used within this time will not be considered unless membership has been paid and is within the AV Business Rules

    Missing payments

    If you have made a payment and we have not received it, please provide evidence of payment (copy of bank account or credit card statement, receipt number) and we will investigate further. If found, we will apply it to your membership so that it is active.

    Contact us

    If you are having any issues with payments or have any queries please contact AV Membership:

    • Phone 1300 366 141 (Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm)
    • Email membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au (please provide 3 points of ID on your email, such as full name, date of birth, and address including post code, so we can provide an immediate answer to your query)

    Important information

    • Please make sure your membership details are kept up to date at all times. 
    • Click here for more information about updating direct debit details.
    • Click here for more information about updating/checking your membership details.
    Read More
    Date Updated: 08/09/2024

    Ambulance Victoria Membership cover gives you Australia wide protection against the cost of:

    • Emergency road ambulance transport
    • MICA (Mobile Intensive Care  Ambulance) attendance and treatment
    • Emergency air ambulance and clinically necessary non-emergency air ambulance
    • Ambulance treatment when transport is not required
    • Clinically necessary non-emergency patient transport

    Please note:


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    Date Updated: 14/10/2024

    Ambulance Victoria takes seriously our commitment to providing the best care for every patient.

    Every call to Triple Zero (000) is carefully assessed to ensure we understand the patient’s requirements and to ensure they get the care they need.

    Emergency ambulances are allocated on clinical need, with priority given to those with life-threatening conditions, requiring pre-hospital care, such as cardiac arrest, stroke and major trauma.

    AV has a detailed Emergency Response Plan and escalation procedures to effectively manage surges in workload and demand, and for significant or prolonged incidents. You can read more about how we manage demand on our website. 

    We remind all community members to please save Triple Zero for emergencies – this is to ensure the sickest Victorians receive life-saving care.

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    Date Updated: 04/09/2024

    If you use ambulance services as the result of an incident at work, you need to submit a claim through Workcover to cover the cost of the invoice/s.

    If your Workcover claim is rejected, you can then claim the cost of the invoice through your AV membership.

    To do this, complete the online form.

    • You will need to provide proof that Workcover refused your initial claim.
    • You will be able to provide your membership number on this form.
    • If you don't know your membership number you can request it via SMS.

    If you prefer to speak with someone about your claim, please contact the Accounts Receivable Department on 1800 990 029.

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    Date Updated: 18/07/2024

    If you are treated or transported by ambulance after a car accident, you cannot claim the cost of the ambulance treatment or transport under your AV membership in the first instance.

    You must lodge a claim via the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) before claiming the cost of the invoice under your membership. If your claim is rejected by the TAC, you can then claim the cost of the invoice through your AV membership. Proof of the rejected claim will be required.

    Making a claim with Ambulance Victoria

    To claim the cost of an invoice complete this online form. You can provide your membership number using this form (if known).

    If you prefer to speak with someone, please contact the Accounts Receivable Department on 1800 990 029.

    Read More
    Date Updated: 03/07/2024

    Every call is carefully assessed to ensure we understand the patient’s requirements and to ensure they get the care they need.

    Being a member does not mean you will automatically be sent an ambulance when you call Triple Zero (000).

    Less urgent calls go to our Referral Service for more detailed assessment to match callers to the service that best suits their needs. We may direct our callers to alternative care in some of these cases.

    Click here to learn more about what happens in an emergency and how Ambulance Victoria responds when you call Triple Zero (000).

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    Date Updated: 04/07/2024

    Membership is not a prerequisite for receiving ambulance transport or services.

    When you use the service, paramedics will collect your personal information and send it through to the AV Accounts department. AV members (including dependants listed on a Family membership) are not required to provide any membership information at the time of transport.

    The Accounts department will assess whether an invoice needs to be sent out for payment.

    There are cases where an invoice is sent even when you have a paid AV membership. This may require you to contact AV to update your membership details or provide further information such as evidence of full time study before an invoice can be finalised.

    Please note:
    If you are travelling and use the ambulance service interstate, you will receive an invoice. 

    If you have received an invoice please click here.

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    Date Updated: 19/10/2024

    You will need to pay for a new Single membership to maintain your cover.

    If this is done within 30 days of no longer being eligible under the Family membership, you will be entitled to full benefits immediately and the qualifying period will be waived.

    Important information

    • Please refer to Ambulance Victoria Business Rules for the full definition of who can be considered a Dependant.
    • Dependants must be listed on a Family membership to receive member benefits.
    • Those listed must be eligible at the time services are used.
    • Dependants awaiting placement at tertiary institutions will continue to be covered under their parents/guardian's Membership up to 31 March of the year for which they have applied for placement.
    • Proof of full time study will be requested if Dependant students aged 17 up to 25 have used the service.


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    Date Updated: 19/10/2024

    You can read Ambulance Victoria's Privacy Policy here.

    Read More
    Date Updated: 16/10/2024

    You’re studying full time if you’re doing 75% or more of your course’s full time study load. This is worked out using one of the following:

    • your Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL)
    • your credit points
    • the number of hours you study. 

    Example 1 – you’re studying a course based on EFTSL

    Your university works out your study load using EFTSL. You can do up to 8 subjects per year, and the EFTSL weighting for each subject is the same.

    Total EFTSLCourse length Full time study load75% study load
    1.0 per year or 0.5 per semester1 year8 subjects worth 0.125
    EFTSL each
    8 x 0.125 = 1.0
    6 x 0.125 = 0.75 over the year  0.375 in each semester

    In this example, 3 subjects in semester 1 and semester 2 equals 0.375 EFTSL for each semester. If you’re doing less than this in either semester, you’re considered part time.  

    Example 2 – you’re studying a course based on credit points

    The place you’re studying at says the total number of credit points for your course is 24 per semester. In this example, you’re studying 3 subjects worth 6 credit points each.

    Total credit pointsCourse lengthFull time study load75% study load
    24 per semester3 years4 subjects worth 6 credit points each
    4 x 6 = 24
    24 x 0.75 = 18 credit points per semester

    In this example the 75% study load is 18 credit points per semester. Because you’re completing 18 credit points, you are considered full time. If you’re doing less than this, you are considered part time.

    Example 3 – you’re studying a course based on hours

    The place you’re studying at says your course is 200 hours in total and the course length is 10 weeks.

    Total hoursCourse lengthFull time study load75% study load
    20 hours10 weeks20 hours per week
    200 ÷ 10 weeks = 20 hours per week
    15 hours per week
    200 hours x 0.75 = 150 hours
    150 hours ÷ 10 weeks 

    In this example, if you’re doing at least 15 hours per week you are full time. If you’re doing less than this, you are considered part time.

    Important notes:

    • If you are not eligible under the Family membership, a new membership must be purchased to be covered. Qualifying periods may apply.
    • Apprenticeships are not considered full time study.
    • When leaving high school and awaiting placement at a tertiary institution, AV may allow you to stay covered under the Family membership until 31st March the year after your high school study is completed, or until you tell us that you do not intend to study, whichever happens first.
    • For short courses, such as Example 3, you are no longer considered a Full-time student at the end of the course. You should consider you cover options for periods between different courses.  AV will allow 30 days from the end of your short course to either start a new Full-time study course, or purchase a single membership.
    • Full time study definition is in line with Centrelink definition.


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    Date Updated: 22/10/2024

    Ambulance Victoria Membership covers you for the cost emergency treatment and transport services to the nearest most appropriate medical facility. 

    Your membership does not cover:

    • Any treatment and transport before 5pm the day after you join.

    • Any treatment and transport for the first 14 days of your membership due to any pre-existing medical conditions you had before you joined.

    • Any treatment or transport for the first 14 days of your membership that is pre-booked, non-emergency transport.

    • Transport that’s not to the nearest medical facility that can treat you.

    • Transport to other health services that are not clinically necessary, for example if you want to move to another facility to be closer to family or to attend your preferred doctor.

    • Transport from hospital or other health services back to Victoria after treatment.

    • Services used where there was a road or workplace incident, unless TAC or Workcover have rejected a claim.

    • Services where a third party is responsible for payment, as described in the Ambulance services payment guidelines.

    • Services by a non-registered state ambulance provider.

    • Emergency services not as a result of a Triple Zero (000) call.

    Subject to Membership Scheme Business Rules.

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    Date Updated: 17/10/2024

    The summarised process

    The Membership Fee will be deducted from your nominated financial account by AV in the following manner:

    a) Initially draw the relevant Membership Fee within five (5) business days of receiving your agreement; and
    b) Thereafter, deduct the Membership Fee within two (2) business days of the anniversary of your Membership.

    The following provisions relate to processing direct debit arrangements:

    a) If sufficient funds are not available in your nominated financial account at the time of processing a payment then a dishonour fee may apply;
    b) If you wish to change details of your nominated financial account then you must provide AV with the details at least 5 business days prior to the next payment;
    c) Details of your nominated financial account will be kept private and confidential and AV will only use the details for processing payment or is otherwise required by law;
    d) If you wish to terminate the direct debit agreement then you must notify AV and your nominated financial institution;
    e) AV reserves the right to cancel or terminate a direct debit arrangement if payments are dishonoured and where an alternative payment method cannot be facilitated. Under these circumstances this may result in your Membership being terminated.

    Our Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

    This is your Direct Debit Service Agreement with Ambulance Victoria, ABN 50 373 327 705. It explains what your obligations are when undertaking a Direct Debit arrangement with us. It also details what our obligations are to you as your Direct Debit provider. 

    Please take a record of this agreement for future reference. It forms part of the terms and conditions of your Direct Debit Request (DDR) and should be read in conjunction with your DDR authorisation. 


    Accountmeans the account held at your financial institution from which we are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited.
    Agreementmeans this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement between you and us.
    banking daymeans a day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday listed throughout Australia.
    debit daymeans the day the payment by you to us is due.
    debit paymentmeans a particular transaction where a debit is made.
    direct debit requestmeans the Direct Debit Request between us and you.
    us or wemeans Ambulance Victoria, (the Debit User) you have authorised by requesting a Direct Debit Request.
    Youmeans the customer who has signed or authorised by other means the Direct Debit Request.
    Your financial institutionmeans the financial institution nominated by you on the DDR at which the account is maintained.


    1. Debiting your account 

    1.1 By signing a Direct Debit Request or by providing us with a valid instruction, you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited from your account. You should refer to the Direct Debit Request and this agreement for the terms of the arrangement between us and you. 
    1.2 We will only arrange for funds to be debited from your account as authorised in the Direct Debit Request or
          We will only arrange for funds to be debited from your account if we have sent to the address nominated by you in the Direct Debit Request, a billing advice which specifies the amount payable by you to us and when it is due. 
    1.3. If the debit day falls on a day that is not a banking day, we may direct your financial institution to debit your account on the following banking day. If you are unsure about which day your account has or will be debited you should ask your financial institution. 

    2. Amendments by us  

    2.1. We may vary any details of this agreement or a Direct Debit Request at any time by giving you at least fourteen (14) days written notice. 

    3. Amendments by you

    3.1. You may change*, stop or defer a debit payment, or terminate this agreement by providing us with at least 14 days notification:
           Via email at membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au
            by telephoning us on 1300 366 141 during business hours; 

            in writing to: Ambulance Victoria Membership, PO BOX 2000, Doncaster Vic 3108
            arranging it through your own financial institution, which is required to act promptly on your instructions.

     *Note: in relation to the above reference to ‘change’, your financial institution may ‘change’ your debit payment only to the extent of advising us, Ambulance Victoria of your new account details. 

    4. Your obligations

    4.1. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient clear funds available in your account to allow a debit payment to be made in accordance with the Direct Debit Request. 
    4.2. If there are insufficient clear funds in your account to meet a debit payment:
    a. you may be charged a fee and/or interest by your financial institution; 
    b. you may also incur fees or charges imposed or incurred by us; and 
    c. you must arrange for the debit payment to be made by another method or arrange for sufficient clear funds to be in your account by an agreed time so that we can process the debit payment. 

    5. Dispute 

    5.1. If you believe that there has been an error in debiting your account, you should notify us directly on 1300 366 141 and confirm that notice in writing or via email with us as soon as possible so that we can resolve your query more quickly. Alternatively you can take it up directly with your financial institution. 
    5.2. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your account has been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by arranging for your financial institution to adjust your account (including interest and charges) accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by which your account has been adjusted. 
    5.3. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your account has not been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by providing you with reasons and any evidence for this finding in writing. 

    6. Accounts

    6.1. You should check:
    a. with your financial institution whether direct debiting is available from your account as direct debiting is not available on all accounts offered by financial institutions. 
    b. your account details which you have provided to us are correct by checking them against a recent account statement; and 
    c. with your financial institution before completing the Direct Debit Request if you have any queries about how to complete the Direct Debit Request. 

    7. Confidentiality

    7.1. We will keep any information (including your account details) in your Direct Debit Request confidential. We will make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information. 
    7.2. We will only disclose information that we have about you: 
    a. to the extent specifically required by law; or 
    b. for the purposes of this agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query or claim). 

    8. Notice 

    8.1. If you wish to notify us in writing about anything relating to this agreement, you can do so;

    Via email at membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au
    or via post to Ambulance Victoria Membership PO BOX 2000 Doncaster Vic 3108

    8.2. We will notify you by sending a notice either back to the email address or in the ordinary post to the address you have given us in the Direct Debit Request. 
    8.3. Any notice will be deemed to have been received on the third banking day after posting. 


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    Date Updated: 29/04/2024
    The AV Membership Subscription Scheme collects personal information including:
    • First name
    • Middle initial
    • Surname
    • Date of birth
    • Email address
    • Mobile, work and home phone numbers
    • Residential and postal address
    • Dependant details if required (full name and date of birth)
    AV values its members privacy and collects this information specifically to send membership literature and communications, help with complaint resolution and to confirm if your membership is valid when you use the service. 
    This is why it is important to keep your details up to date (this can be done online or over the phone on 1300 366 131).
    The data collected is held in line with AV’s Privacy Policy, which can be viewed on the AV website

    The purpose of AV’s Privacy Policy is:
    • to tell you what kind of information we may gather about you
    • how we may use that information
    • whether we disclose it to anyone
    • the choices you have regarding our use of your information
    • and your ability to correct this information.  
    Our policy allows you to choose:
    • what kind of information you provide to us
    • how much information you provide to us
    • and to control how we use the information you give us
    AV does not on sell email addresses to any third party and requires all staff to adhere to its privacy policy.  
    For more information regarding data protection and what happens if there is a breach - click here
    For more information around deleting data - click here
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    Date Updated: 06/05/2024

    If you're a member, you won't get:

    • Services we don’t think you clinically need.
    • Transport that’s not to the nearest medical place that can treat you, as we decide.
    • Transport to other services we don’t think you clinically need, like if you want to move to another place to be closer to family.
    • Non-emergency cases where we haven’t made you an active member yet.
    • Emergency cases when you’re not an active member yet but you have a problem with your health you knew about already
    • Services used before 5pm the day after we receive your payment
    • Services that the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) or WorkCover are in charge of, unless they have rejected a claim
    • Transport paid for by us where a third party is in charge of payment, as said in the ambulance payment guidelines.
    • Services performed by a non-registered provider.
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    Date Updated: 22/10/2024
    • Membership benefits commence at 5pm the day after we receive your membership fee.
    • There is a 14 day qualifying period for all new/reinstated members who require non-emergency transport or emergency transport due to a pre-existing condition.
    • Having a membership does not mean you will receive special treatment if you need an ambulance.
    • Having a membership does not mean you will automatically be sent an ambulance when you call Triple Zero (000).
    • You may cancel your membership at anytime. If you ask for a refund, there is an administration fee.
    • If you have private health insurance, AV recommends that you contact your fund and use the  Ambulance Cover Checklist as a guide to determine if you have sufficient ambulance cover.
    • Pensioner Concession and Health Care cardholders may be entitled to free ambulance cover under certain circumstances. Go to health.vic.gov.au to find out more.
    • There are exclusions.
    • The AV Membership Business Rules outline the full terms and conditions of cover.
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    Date Updated: 06/10/2024

    Find the current version of the Ambulance Victoria Membership Scheme Business Rules here.


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    Date Updated: 19/10/2024

    You can be an Ambulance Victoria member if you're an:

    • Australian Citizen or have been granted permanent / temporary resident status, who lives in Victoria.
    • Australian Citizen or have been granted permanent / temporary resident status, who lives within our operational boundaries.
    • Approved Department of Home Affairs person who lives in Victoria.
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    Date Updated: 02/10/2024

    There could be a number of reasons why you were sent an invoice after you used the services. This includes:

    • Details collected by paramedics don't match your current membership record
    • Your membership is not current
    • The person who used the service is not listed on your membership
    • The person who used the service is ineligible to be covered under your membership
    • AV needs evidence such as Student ID or birth certificate to finalise the invoice
    • You used ambulance services in another state

    If you have received an invoice and are uncertain whether you are required to pay, please refer to the website or contact the Accounts team to discuss your options.  

    AV website

    Enter your details online


    Send an email. Please include:

    • Full name
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Invoice number
    • Date of services used
    • Patient name
    • Summary of query
    • Copy of invoice (where interstate services used)

    Call us

    Please call the Accounts Department on 1800 990 029.

    Interstate Invoices
    If you do receive a transport invoice from an Interstate service please provide a copy to Ambulance Victoria Accounts Receivable Department via email as above or mail to Locked Bag 9000, Ballarat, Vic 3354.


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    Date Updated: 30/07/2024

    In line with our commitment to our Social and Environmental Responsibility Framework Ambulance Victoria no longer produces membership cards.

    You can receive your membership number via SMS . Please include the following details in your SMS:

    • Your full name
    • Date of Birth
    • Mobile number (this must be the same number listed on your membership)

    Please note:

    • A Membership card or number is not required at the time of transport or treatment. 
    • Having a membership card does not necessarily mean you have an active membership.
    • It is your responsibility to know when your membership is due. You can check online or contact the call centre if you are not sure.
    • AV will attempt to notify you up to 30 days before your due date.

    Other ways to receive your membership number:

    Send us an email listing 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and date of birth), and ask request your membership number. We will reply within 2 business days via email.

    Call our Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) and speak to a consultant.


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    Date Updated: 20/10/2024

    The request for three points of identification (ID) such as name, address and Date of Birth is to confirm the identity of the person communicating with Ambulance Victoria (AV). It is requested to make sure changes are made by the authorised party and in the correct manner.

    All members must adhere to an ID check in order to make changes or access information on a Membership.

    AV respects the privacy of all members and protects the information that is provided by our members. Members information is gathered and stored in alignment with the AV Privacy Policy and AV Membership Business Rules.

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    Date Updated: 15/07/2024

    We no longer offer three year and five-year membership subscriptions because they no longer offer additional benefits to members.

    The savings from administering multiple membership periods can now go towards providing world-class health care.

    We still offer once off payments for an annual membership or you can set up a direct debit from your account either:

    • Once a year or
    • Quarterly

    Membership will automatically renew each year until you cancel the agreement or payment fails.

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    Date Updated: 19/10/2024

    Yes, a receipt will be emailed to the address listed on your membership automatically, after we receive your payment.

    You may also request a receipt using one of the following methods:

    • By logging into the membership portal and going to the 'My Receipt and Notices' section.
           From there you can view or print a copy of the receipt.

    • Through the IVR (our automated phone menu system). Call 1300 366 141. 
    • Through our Live Chat system.
    • By calling 1300 366 141 and speaking with one of our agents (Monday to Friday 8:00am-8:00pm or Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm). 
    • By sending us an email

    Please note:
    If you require a receipt for multiple years or payments, either email or call us and we will be able to create this as a special request.

    If the email fails (wrong email address) or you do not have an email address listed - please refer to the above methods to request a receipt.

    Read More
    Date Updated: 11/10/2024

    If you provide an email address when you join, you will receive a welcome email with your membership details listed. 

    If you are unable to provide an email address, you can request a copy of your receipt to be mailed to your address listed on the membership.

    Please note:

    • The welcome email confirms details of the chosen membership. 
    • If payments are declined, unsuccessful or not made, the membership becomes invalid and will not cover transport invoices, unless the payment issue is rectified within the stated timeframes.  
    • See here for more detail on payment issues.
    Read More
    Date Updated: 25/09/2024