Did Ambulance Victoria upgrade their credit card security?

Ambulance Victoria constantly reviews its technology to ensure your personal and payment information is securely managed and protected.  

In 2023, we upgraded our phone software to enable safer gathering of your credit card details. When you pay over the phone, you will be asked to key in your card details directly to our payment platform via your keypad/touch tone phone. This ensures that our agents no longer have access to these details.

Members can still check or update their payment options via the AV website here.

If you are having trouble updating your details online, please contact our team via membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au and they will assist (please provide 3 points of ID - full name, date of birth and address including postcode).

Alternatively you can contact the Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 between the hours of 8:00am-8:00pm Monday to Friday or 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday. 

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